1. The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission (Assembly Commission) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the principle that recruitment should be solely on the basis of merit.
2. We welcome applications from all eligible applicants, irrespective of religious belief, political opinion, race, age, gender, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or people with dependants or without.
3. The appointment process will be fair and applied consistently to ensure equality of opportunity.
4. Recruiting the right individuals is crucial to organisational performance. Good recruitment helps us to recruit the right people, for the right roles, at the right time. It ensures that we have the relevant skills and abilities to meet our current and future needs.
5. The purpose of the Recruitment and Selection Policy Statement is to set out how we intend to attract and retain people with talent and experience from diverse backgrounds.
6. The Policy will apply to all applicants for external and internal recruitment competitions.
7. We will:
8. This document is effective from 18 February 2020.
Northern Ireland Assembly
Parliament Buildings