Senior Assistant Assembly Clerks are responsible for providing support for important functions of the Assembly, including the conduct of Assembly business, the passage of legislation and the work of the Assembly’s committees. Senior Assistant Assembly Clerks normally carry out duties in one of the following areas.
The Bill Office supports the work of the Assembly in the management of legislation through its plenary and committee stages and is responsible for ensuring that the Acts, which finally emerge, fully reflect the deliberations and decisions taken by Members. The Office is also responsible for providing advice to Members on the admissibility of proposed amendments, to the Speaker on the selection of amendments to bills and for supporting the development of Members’ bills.
The Business Office supports the work of plenary sessions of the Assembly. The Office acts as the focus for procedural advice to the Speaker and Members on the conduct of Assembly business and is responsible for the production of order papers, proposed amendments to motions, and the Minutes of Proceedings, which are the official legal record of the business of the Assembly. The Business Office supports the Business Committee and processes Assembly questions and the laying of documents in compliance with Standing Orders and Speaker’s rulings.
Committee Offices have responsibility for supporting committees established by the Assembly. Committee teams prepare committee work programmes; plan inquiries; organise and service committee meetings, events and visits; record committee proceedings; commission research and legal advice; and draft speeches and committee reports. Committee staff also provide analysis and advice to Committee Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons and Members. In addition, the Clerking and Members Support Office is responsible for the implementation of the Assembly Commission’s Member Development Strategy.
All applicants must be capable of undertaking any of the functions associated with the work of the Bill, Business and Committee Offices.