head of Procurement

Ready to play an important role in the work of the Northern Ireland Assembly?

The Head of Procurement is a key post within the Assembly Commission, having full responsibility for developing and implementing procurement policies and procedures across the organisation.

Head of Procurement

What we're looking for

The main duties and responsibilities of the job are:

  • Specific Procurement Responsibilities:

    • Formulating, reviewing, implementing and monitoring the Assembly Commission’s corporate Procurement Policies and Guidance, ensuring compliance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015;
    • Managing procurement projects of high value and risk. As a minimum this will include all procurements of a value greater than that stated in the corporate Procurement Policies and Guidance (currently £30k);
    • Ensuring procurement issues are highlighted and considered for all strategic decisions; and
    • Taking responsibility for the achievement of procurement related Value for Money contribution to Assembly Commission spend.

    Management of the Procurement Office:

    • Leading, managing and supporting the development of Procurement Office staff including conducting performance conversations;
    • Ensuring there is an emphasis on continuous learning and professional development of Procurement Office staff;
    • Managing the Procurement Plan and allocating projects to Procurement Managers; and
    • Managing the Procurement Office in order to maintain continuous improvement of service levels and standards including determining, bidding for, controlling and evaluating effective use of Assembly Commission resources.

    Provision of advice, guidance and information:

    • Developing and providing specialist procurement advice and/or services to the Assembly Commission;
    • Providing assurance to the Director of Legal, Governance and Research Services and to senior management that all procurement projects are being managed to the expected standards and targets;
    • Presenting and leading the dissemination of procurement information to external bodies;
    • Promoting staff awareness of procurement procedures, policies and developments;
    • Developing good supplier management and contract management guidance; and
    • Producing high quality written material, which may include papers to the Assembly Commission; reports to senior staff; tender documentation; contracts; recommendations to clients; records of negotiations or reports of de-briefing unsuccessful tenders.


    • Complying with all of the Assembly Commission’s staff policies and procedures including Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work policies and procedures and all mandatory training requirements;
    • Managing information and records in accordance with established policies and statutory requirements; and
    • Carrying out such other duties as the Assembly Commission reasonably requires.
What we're offering
Essential Criteria

Essential Criteria:

  1. Applicants must, by the closing date for applications have:

Membership of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS).


  1. At least 3 years’ experience in each of the areas detailed at (a) to (d):

a) Developing and implementing procurement policies, procedures and guidance;

b) Successfully leading procurement projects with individual values greater than the current procurement thresholds set out in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015;

c) Leading, managing and supporting staff to ensure effective service delivery and specific outcomes; and

d) Effectively managing the delivery of a programme of complex procurement projects.


  1. A thorough knowledge and understanding of the relevant law, regulations and guidance relating to procurement e.g. Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and evidence of providing advice upon these matters at a senior level* within an organisation.

Shortlisting Criteria:

Should shortlisting be required, the following shortlisting criteria will be applied:

  • At least 2 years’ experience of developing and negotiating contract terms and conditions and advising on contractual issues.

*Senior level is defined as a Director, Head of Business, NICS Grade 7, company board member or equivalent.

Quick Q&A for this job...​

The salary range is £60,143 – £61,967. This is an Assembly Grade 4 position.

There is one permanent position.

The Head of Procurement oversees the Procurement Office, part of the Assembly’s Legal, Governance and Research Services Directorate.

The successful candidate will be accountable to the Director of Legal, Governance and Research Services.

The successful applicant will be based in Parliament Buildings, Belfast.

Completed application forms must be submitted by 12 noon on Monday 30 May 2022.

The Selection Process

There are five elements within the Recruitment and Selection Framework:

Experience – the knowledge or mastery of an activity or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to it.

Abilitythe aptitude or potential to perform to the required standard.

Technical – the demonstration of specific professional skills, knowledge or qualifications.

Assembly Skills and Behaviours –the actions and activities that people do which result in effective performance in a job.

Strengths – the things we do regularly, do well and that motivate us.

The elements which will be assessed for this role will be Experience, Technical, Assembly Skills and Behaviours and Strengths. The selection method(s) that will be used are detailed below. Further information on the Recruitment and Selection Framework are included in the Guidance on Recruitment and Selection for Applicants.

The essential criteria reflect the experience and knowledge that an applicant must possess in order to be able to undertake the role. An eligibility sift will be carried out on the basis of the information contained in the essential criteria section of the application form. You must therefore demonstrate clearly in your form how, and to what extent, you meet with the essential criteria for the post. 

The selection panel reserve the right to use shortlisting as part of the selection process for this post. Should shortlisting be used, the shortlisting criterion listed in the Job Specification will be applied. The selection panel reserve the right to set a minimum standard for the shortlisting criterion and/or to invite only those who score highest in the shortlisting criterion to the next stage of the selection process. If shortlisting is not necessary, all applicants who have demonstrated the essential criteria will proceed to the next stage of the selection process.  

There will also be an interview, which will address the information contained in the Job Specification and will assess elements of the Recruitment and Selection Framework.

The applicant will be required to deliver a presentation as part of the interview process. The subject of the presentation will be advised to the applicant on the day of the interview and the applicant will be expected to present information to the selection panel.

It is anticipated that interviews will take place during week commencing 13 June 2022.

Whilst requests for alternative interview dates will be considered on the basis of their individual merit, it is not the preference of the Selection Panel to hold interviews on any other dates outside of week commencing 13 June 2022.

The selection panel reserves the right to hold a further interview stage if deemed necessary.

Further information on the Recruitment and Selection process is available in the Recruitment and Selection Framework and Guidance on the Recruitment and Selection for Applicants.

Head of Procurement

Below you will find everything you need to apply for the position.

Read all the information about the job and the associated guidance related to working in the Assembly:

You are now ready to complete the online application:

Please note the application form will be unavailable due to essential system maintenance on Saturday 21st May 2022 between 00:00 and 12:00 noon.

If you are unable to access the form during this time please try again later.

The deadline for applications expired at 12 noon on Monday 30 May 2022.

Further Information

If you need more information on the recruitment process, please contact the Assembly Recruitment Team on 028 90521869 or email recruitment@niassembly.gov.uk.

Visit our website for further information about the Assembly.

Please note the application form will be unavailable due to essential system maintenance on Saturday 21st May 2022 between 00:00 and 12:00 noon.

If you are unable to access the form during this time please try again later.