Parliamentary Reporter
The main duties of the role are to:
- Attend meetings of the Assembly and its Committees to provide an accurate, chronological, clear log and to observe what is going on; identify each Member who speaks; note in full his or her opening words; note any remarks made off-microphone; and note any references to, for example, proper names, places, technical terms and quotes.
- Using a computer and based on recorded sound, produce, within an agreed deadline, an accurate and grammatically correct transcript of speech conforming to Hansard parliamentary reporting style and faithfully recording House procedure, as set out in relevant Hansard guidance.
- Check spelling and punctuation, correct grammatical errors and, where necessary, edit material whilst having regard to the political context of the content.
- Research, using appropriate sources, references to proper names, place names and technical terminology, as well as historical, geographical and literary references, foreign words and phrases etc.
- Read and edit material produced by others to ensure that it is accurate and conforms to Hansard editorial and procedural guidelines.
- Help prepare material for publication and ensure that it is produced and published within predetermined timescales.
- Provide miscellaneous editorial, logging, reporting, proofreading, indexing and other services as required by Assistant Editors/Deputy Editors/Editor.
- Respond to queries from Assembly Members, witnesses, public and staff and take appropriate action, if necessary in consultation with Assistant Editors, Deputy Editors or Editor.
- Manage their own performance and take the initiative to identify their personal development needs and how those needs can be met.
- Act as project team members and work with other teams in the organisation.
- Represent the Office of the Official Report (Hansard) and the Assembly at various meetings, conferences, seminars etc.
- Keep abreast of current, political and parliamentary affairs, particularly with reference to Northern Ireland.
- Comply with the Assembly Commission’s Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work policies and procedures.
- Carry out other duties that the Assembly Commission reasonably requires of you.